How to set a table: useful tips

Useful tips on how to make your holiday table not only tasty and nutritious, but also stylish, and also give it New Year’s symbolism.


Stick to a single style. The colors of the tablecloth, dishes, cutlery and other table elements should have something in common.

The ideal background for the table will be created by a snow-white tablecloth that will hang 20-40 cm from each edge. At the same time, you should put a soft cloth under it so that the knocking of glasses is not heard.

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Ideally choose fabric napkins

New Year’s decor. You will need candles, cones, stars, lanterns, Christmas tree branches and the symbol of the coming year – a white metal bull.

Complete table settings on time. Ideally, everything should be ready half an hour before guests arrive.


Garnish. Many create a New Year’s menu in accordance with the symbol of the year. The bull is not picky about food, but prefers plant-based foods. Therefore, experts advise putting a lot of dishes on the table with herbs, cereals, vegetables and fruits.

Main dishes. Alternatively, duck with apples can serve as the central dish. Out of respect for the bull, beef and veal should be avoided on the table in favor of other types of meat.

Snack. Try to use as many natural products and different types of greens as possible. By the way, there will also be curd slices, as a tribute to the rat – the ruler of 2020.

Dessert. The bull has a sweet tooth. Therefore, he will really like New Year’s cake, fruit dessert or Christmas cookies.

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Amount of food per person

If the feast lasts 1-2 hours, then the total weight of food per person should be approximately 400 grams. If the festivities last until 4:00, then you should provide at least 600 grams of food for everyone. And if it’s 6:00, then 600-1200 grams per guest.

  • Volume of drinks per person
  • Soft drinks – 1.5-2 liters per person.
  • Wine – 0.7 liter
  • Champagne – 0.5 liters
  • Strong alcohol – 0.3-0.5 liters


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