The film “Cyborgs” appeared on the Internet

The Ukrainian film “Cyborgs” by Akhtem Seitablayev can be watched online from today. The tape became available on the megogo resource.

The film tells the story of one two-week combat duty in September 2014. A volunteer group of military personnel comes to Donetsk airport for the first time. Sergei Prokofiev. At the moment, the strategic facility has been defended by Ukrainians for four months in conditions of constant war.

The central character of the film is a volunteer with the call sign “Major”. A talented musician and the son of rich people secretly fled to war. He is trying to understand his role in the war, the war itself, and what will happen after it. Along with him are six more warriors, whose prototypes are based on real stories of airport defenders.

The film became an absolute record holder at domestic box office. During the first weekend, the film collected more than eight million hryvnia. And after eight weeks of release, the film’s box office receipts amounted to more than 22 million hryvnia.

The director of the film, Akhtem Seitablayev, received the main award at the Kyiv Film Festival “Youth”.

This week, the film’s team discovered the illegal distribution of a pirated copy of Cyborgs on the Internet. The authors of the film note that for copyright violation, support and distribution of pirated copies, the perpetrators will be held accountable and punished in accordance with Articles 176 and 177 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.


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