The most expensive paintings, sculptures and art objects

Art catches the soul, eye and wallet. World-class paintings attract connoisseurs, collectors and representatives of creative professions from all over the world so much that some of them are ready to pay fabulous sums for famous art objects. What is the price of art?

“Diego and Me” Frida Kahlo

One of the examples of expensive works is a self-portrait, which was written by the famous artist Frida Kahlo. The work was created in honor of the romantic feelings of two inspired artists. Some time later, the painting was valued at almost $40 million, for which it was purchased at an auction in the fall of 2021. Now it is the highest priced work among all auctions in the world.

«Диего и я» Фрида Кало

“Savior of the World” by Leonardo da Vinci

In the late 50s of the last century, this painting received a low payment – no more than $ 60, due to the fact that the image was considered a copy. But many years passed, and the painting, which was in a collection with two dozen like it, was sold for no less than $ 450 million using the Christie’s auction! It is also interesting that its authenticity is still in question, but the price continues to grow relentlessly.

«Спаситель мира» Леонардо да Винчи

Women of Algiers by Pablo Picasso

Women of Algeria”, authored by Picasso himself, has long been the most expensive piece of art in the auction environment. In the same auction as Leonardo da Vinci’s The Savior of the World, the painting was sold in 2015 for nearly $180 million.

«Алжирские женщины» Пабло Пикассо

Reclining Nude by Amedeo Modigliani

The creator from Italy at the beginning of the 20th century, with the help of his painting, brought people into a state of shock. By 2015, the artwork had sold in the US for more than $170 million to a buyer who used to work as a taxi driver and is now an investor and connoisseur of beauty.

Самые дорогие картины

“Three Sketches for a Portrait of Lucian Freud” Francis Bacon

These three sketches were drawn by Francis Bacon from another artist named Lucian Freud. All the portraits were purchased in the fall of 2013 by a man who decided to remain anonymous for $140 million.

«Три наброска к портрету Люсьена Фрейда» Фрэнсис Бэкон

The Scream by Edvard Munch

Almost $120 million bought the famous painting “The Scream”. Such high prices involuntarily raise the question: why are many people willing to pay such large sums for the work of creative artisans? The answer lies in the sense of security and power that encourages people to achieve financial growth or stability. This was mentioned by Karl Arnold – the owner of the auction.

«Крик» Эдвард Мунк

“Girl with a Basket of Flowers” Pablo Picasso

There are 10 most expensive paintings in the world, among which there is a painting by Pablo Picasso. The work of art was for some time in the possession of the famous Rockefeller family, but in 2018 it was sold for $11 million. This painting, painted in Paris, was included in the top ten most expensive paintings on the planet, which were only exhibited at auctions. It was in the Rockefeller collection and was sold in 2018 at Christie’s auction house in New York for $115 million.

«Девушка с корзиной цветов» Пабло Пикассо

“Haystacks” by Claude Monet

The painting “Haystacks” by the French impressionist Claude Monet was sold for $110 million. The work was included in the TOP-30 most valuable paintings around the world. After writing a series of 25 canvases in the early 90s of the 19th century, the works were divided into two parts: 17 paintings went to museums, and the rest served as a replenishment for private collections.

«Стога сена» Клод Моне

“Nude, green leaves and bust” Pablo Picasso

Another work by Pablo Picasso. This picture is different from the rest: firstly, the artist painted it in a day, and secondly, the naked girl he depicted on canvas is his beloved Marie-Therese Walter. As a result, by 2010, the painting was sold for $106.5 million to an unknown person.

«Обнаженная, зеленые листья и бюст» Пабло Пикассо

The Pointing Man by Alberto Giacometti

The work “Pointing Man” is recognized as the most expensive. The famous sculpture by the Swiss master Alberto Giacometti was sold in 2018 for an incredible amount of money: more than $140 million.

«Указующий человек» Альберто Джакометти

Another no less famous work of Giacometti is called “Walking Man I”. The sculpture was valued at Sotheby’s at $104 million. The bronze statue was sold in 2010.

Шагающий человек I

“Rabbit” Jeff Koons

Back in 1986, this sculpture in the form of a rabbit amazed many people. Made of stainless steel, 1 meter and 4 cm high, the figure was sold at an American auction for $91 million. Now this work is the most valuable for a living sculptor.

«Кролик» Джефф Кунс

“Cathedral Square. Milan, Gerhard Richter

Gerhard Richter is one of the most sought-after artists from Germany today. In an interview with Der Spiegel, Heinrich shared that value and relevance in art are unrelated concepts. Because of the huge prices between these data and there is such a gap. The painting by Richter himself was valued at $37 million in 2013.

«Соборная площадь. Милан» Герхард Рихтер

“Shark in Formaldehyde” by Damien Hirst

An English artist named Damien Hirst is considered the richest artist on the planet. In his works, he links science, medicine, spiritual knowledge and technology together. One such example of his work is a skull with diamonds, where the author addresses to existential questions.

According to estimates for 2020, the artist had about $384 million. It is this work that closes the list of “The Most Expensive Paintings, Sculptures”.

«Акула в формальдегиде» Дэмьен Херст