Make Sex Longer: How to Enjoy Slower

For some, quick sex is associated with violent passion. But this is just a way to get an orgasm in a short period of time. Slow intercourse helps to fully enjoy intimacy.

What is slow sex

The following theses will help to reveal the concept of slow sex:

  • Focus on the process. Partners should learn to appreciate and enjoy every moment of intimacy without thinking about orgasm.
  • Focus on pleasure. It is important to concentrate on sensuality, affection, perception of touch.
  • Playfulness. Sex is not a clearly structured process. This is a leisurely study of bodies, bold experiments, intimate jokes and rude words (if you like).

Slow sex significantly increases sensuality, gives fullness, brings together not only on the physical, but also on the psychological level. Thanks to him, even in long-term relationships, attraction remains.

Concentration on sensations promotes self-development, trains awareness. Partners get complete satisfaction, not momentary pleasure. Orgasm as a result of slow sex leads to a state of euphoria. It lasts longer, intensifies. It seems that the energy is not in one erogenous zone, but is distributed literally throughout the body. This is quite enough to experience the practice on yourself and your loved one.

Features of slow sex

It is necessary to prepare for slow sex. First of all, you should take care of the right environment. Smells, textures, and even certain colors have been proven to enhance sensuality. You can enhance the sensations with the help of essential oils, scented candles, silk bed linen.

It is worth starting the process with visual contact. The body of a partner can be explored with the eyes no worse than with the hands. So that complexes about appearance do not interfere, it is necessary to dim the lights, get rid of clothes slowly and gradually.

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During intimacy, you need to control breathing tactics. She should also slow down. Calm deep breaths allow you to extend the pleasure of orgasm up to 30 seconds.

After the visual time, it is time to start tactile exploration without breaking eye contact. With the help of touches, you can find the erogenous zones of a partner. Not always they are exclusively genitals. Ankles, knees, elbows, palms and other parts of the body contain a lot of nerve endings. Erotic massage is the best way to find all sensitive points.

Directly intercourse should be long. Active partners need to remember this. So that the finish does not come after several frictions, you need to make the penetration painfully slow, literally by a millimeter. The same pace must be followed at the exit. After each push, it is desirable to stop inside. This will allow you to feel the moment of connection.

Slow sex is not a process where emotions should be restrained. Partners should allow themselves to cry, laugh, scream, if they really want to.

This practice is best done with a regular lover. This will allow you to open up, find a common ideal pace. Of course, you should not always limit yourself to only slow sex. In intimate life, acts of quick love can and should be present. Outbursts of animal passion have their own advantages – adrenaline, the ability to get rid of the load, reduce stress, emphasize a strong attraction to a partner. In the field of intimacy, you can experiment endlessly.


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