The main peak of sexuality in men falls on 19-25 years, then there will be a decline in activity. By the age of 40, usually many men already have serious problems with potency.
Causes of failures
Violation of the sexual function can be caused by various problems:
- hormonal disbalance;
- disruption of the blood circulation;
- mental problems;
- constant state of stress;
- heavy physical work;
- improper nutrition.
The last point is quite important, because a complete diet and proper nutrition have a positive effect on the whole body as a whole. And this, in turn, will lead to good sexual health.
Healthy Diet
Now more and more men are monitoring their health and lifestyle. Here are the main points of a healthy diet:
- Avoid “fast” food. Give up quick snacks, spicy, fatty and fried foods, various snacks and marinades. Limit your salt intake.
- Reduce your consumption of alcohol and energy drinks, stop smoking – all this negatively affects the quality of sperm.
- Include foods that increase the production of male sex hormones in your diet. These include: cinnamon, ginger, cloves, hot peppers.
- Eat more foods rich in vitamins A, B, C: almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds. The latter contains an increased content of zinc, which regulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
- Eat more fruits and berries. This is an excellent prevention of beriberi. A lack of vitamins in the body can adversely affect sex and libido.
- Some good red wine, chocolate, and cocoa can boost testosterone production.
- Add fenugreek seeds to your food. They contain a substance that lowers blood sugar levels, which serves as an excellent prevention of diabetes. This disease can cause erection problems.
Eat more seafood. After all, this food contains protein, which is easily absorbed by the body, as well as the necessary substances that are beneficial for men’s health. It is especially worth including red fish and oysters in the diet, which are richer than all other marine products in zinc and selenium. But remember that they are destroyed by heat treatment. Therefore, to preserve the beneficial properties of oysters, you need to eat them raw.
Do not forget to undergo preventive examinations of doctors, you must always treat the diseases that have appeared in a timely manner.