10 films about programmers

The rapid development of technologies affects all spheres of human life. Cinematography quickly reacts to all changes in society. Therefore, a large number of films about programmers, artificial intelligence, hacking and virtual reality are released. Such tapes not only show various options for the future, but also describe not an easy path, even for the most intelligent programmers, to success.

We have prepared for you the 10 best films about programmers. It will be interesting for those who are in love with technology, and people in the profession, and even fans of romantic stories and historical dramas.

The Thirteenth Floor (1999)

The tape tells the story of a company that specializes in software development. The company’s programmers were able to create perfect virtual reality. Its creation coincides in time with a series of murders in the city, where many programmers live.

The heroes of the film understand that the killer can only be found in the newly created reality. It is there that he can skillfully disguise himself, hiding from his pursuers. But to find an enemy there, you need to sincerely believe in the existence of a fictional world.

The Matrix (1999)

A film that needs no introduction. The main character of the picture is the most important hacker in our world. His name is Thomas Anderson. By day, Anderson works as a programmer in a large-scale company. At night, he turns into Neo and wanders the network. For him, the day is a time with conventions and limitations, the night offers unlimited opportunities.

The turning point is when Thomas discovers the terrible truth: everything he knew and saw was an illusion. Our reality is just a digital code.

Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999)

The film is based on the book “Fire in the Valley: The Making of The Personal Computer” and tells about the times when the computer industry was just starting to develop. The picture was based on the story of old friends and sworn enemies of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.

It all started at the dawn of the eighties, in small utility rooms. It was there that two unknown programmers invented and fantasized. After some time, their dreams came true. Yesterday’s dreamers have turned into billionaires.

Revolutionary OS (2001)

The documentary “Revolutionary OS” directed by J. T. S. Moore tells about the history of GNU and Linux. The film also tells about the development of open source and free software movements in general.

The film gives an opportunity to hear firsthand what it’s like to fight the system and compete with Microsoft and Apple. At the same time, continuing to adhere to the principles of openness.

The Imitation Game (2014)

Having chosen this picture, the viewer will enjoy watching a historical drama based on the biography of the English mathematician, logician and cryptographer Alan Turing.

It seems that the biography of a mathematician is not something that can captivate from the first minutes of viewing. However, not when it comes to one of the founders of informatics. One of the most prestigious awards in the field of computer science is also named after him.

The fate of the genius was not easy. Alan managed to crack the code of the German Enigma encryption machine during World War II. He created the “Turing Machine” and the Turing Test. But these achievements did not save him from society’s homophobia. He was forced to undergo a chemical castration procedure. After her, according to the official version, he committed suicide. However, many still believe that Turing was killed.

Citizenfour: The Snowden Truth (2014)

The director of the documentary film about Snowden was Laura Poitras. In 2013, she began correspondence over an encrypted channel with a certain anonymous person who always signed herself as Citizenfour.

In the correspondence, he claimed to be a high-ranking government official. And also has evidence that the NSA is secretly monitoring millions of people around the world. Later, the mysterious “Citizen Four” turned out to be Edward Snowden. Laura Poitras named the movie, for which she received Oscar, Satellite and BAFTA awards, his pseudonym.

The Fifth Estate (2013)

The film is based on real events. The picture tells about an attempt to expose state corruption and the lies of the authorities, which turned an Internet startup into one of the most famous and discussed organizations of the 21st century.

The Wikileaks project has managed to publish more secrets than the world’s most influential media. He revealed the shameful secrets of public services and the financial crimes of corporations.

The founders of the site were even able to gain access to one of the most secret US archives. And at that moment, an important question arose before them: what is the price of secrecy in a free society — and what is the price of its disclosure?

Who I Am – No System Is Safe (2014)

History knows many films about hackers. But the film “Who am I” is their German version. In the center of the plot is a young computer genius. Due to problems in communicating with peers, the boy finds himself in the world of code.

Unexpectedly, he is invited to join the ranks of an anti-government hacker organization. Its members want their activities directed against the indifferent majority to be noticed at the international level.

Steve Jobs (2015)

The tape is an adaptation of the life of one of the most famous American businessmen, Steve Jobs. Biographical movie  covers approximately 15 years of the man’s life, from 1984 to 1998. At this time, Steve was removed from the company’s board of directors. And he started working on programs for educational institutions.

The tape conveys the tenacity of the hero. Thanks to this quality, Jobs proved that even without a famous corporation, he is able to create real masterpieces. In the end, Apple directors were forced to invite Jobs back to their ranks as an advisor.

All the events depicted in the tape show the main character’s relationship with people. All of them played an important role in his life. But they influenced the formation of the personality of Jobs, who turned his seemingly impossible dreams into reality.

Upgrade (2018)

The film describes the near future. Technological progress has completely covered all aspects of human life. The main character of the film is an ordinary man named Gray. He repairs old cars.

One day, Gray and his wife get into an accident. And then – into the hands of a gang of scumbags, as a result of which the woman dies, and Gray is paralyzed from the neck down.

He is bedridden and cannot even imagine how to live on. The same wealthy client offers Gray to implant a chip called Stem into him. In fact, it is a super-powerful and intelligent computer that is implanted in the human nervous system in the form of a small chip. The ardent technophobe agrees to the upgrade, because it is his only chance to take revenge for the death of his wife.


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