Hygge style: winter comfort in the house

The decorative part of the preparation for the New Year is in full swing. There are queues in stores for holiday decorations. And pets knead their claws to test the strength of garlands and rains.

To create an atmosphere of comfort and harmony at home, it is worth taking the Hygge style as a guide. It was created in one of the happiest countries in the world – Denmark. To make a corner of happiness out of your home, you need to follow these simple rules:

  • Give preference to light colors in the interior: white, gray, dusty blue.
  • This tone goes well with soft lighting. Therefore, the Danes love to light candles at home, creating a pleasant tone of flowers.
  • Things in the house don’t have to be quirky or weird. Simple forms and functionality are the best option.
  • Give preference to environmentally friendly materials that are pleasant to touch: wood, wool, linen, clay, stone. Your wallet may not like it. And keep in mind that such things usually last much longer, so your grandchildren will still use them.
  • Create some cozy corners in the apartment. As an option – a wide window sill with pillows and blankets.
  • Add old photos or a grandmother’s mirror to the walls, put wooden vintage items or parental ceramics on the shelves.
  • Invite people who bring you pleasant emotions into your home.
  • Enjoy not only the feast, but also the cooking. Even the most delicious custom-made dish that the courier brought will not be compared with the pie that you baked with the whole family.
  • Don’t be afraid to pamper yourself. Do not count calories when you brew another cup of coffee or cocoa while talking with friends. Indulge in an extra piece of cake when you’re having dinner with your family. Extra pounds can always be burned during walks, and pleasant emotions from sincere conversations cannot be reproduced in hindsight.

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And let comfort, happiness and well-being settle in your home with a cozy interior forever!


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