21 most active film actors in Ukraine

The list includes 21 Ukrainian actors who most often starred in films that were released theatrically over the past five years (2013-2017). Both main and episodic roles were taken into account.

First place on the list is taken by Oleg Primogenov, who has appeared on wide screens nine times over the past five years. Viktor Andrienko and Sergei Kalantay have six roles each. Vitaly Linetsky, Alexei Gorbunov, Sergei Romanyuk, Nikolai Boklan and Andrei Saminin had five each. The rest of the rating participants have four roles each.

Oleg Primogenov

The One Who Walked Through the Fire (2013), Business as Usual (2013), Ivan Strength (2013), Credence (2014), Guide (2014), Deadly Alive (2015), Bug (2015), I’m with You (2016) and The Old Miller’s Tale (2017) ).

Victor Andrienko

The One Who Passed Through the Fire (2013), Ivan the Power (2013), Valentine’s Night (2016), Nikita Kozhemyaka (2016), Peace to Your Home (2017) and Occupation (2017).

Sergey Kalantay

Business as Usual (2013), Getman (2015), I’m with you (2016), Servant of the People 2 (2016), Infoholik (2017) and The Old Miller’s Tale (2017).

Vitaly Linetsky

He Who Walked Through the Fire (2013), Business as Usual (2013), Eternal Return (2013), Unbreakable (2015) and Turtle Dove’s Nest (2016).

Alexey Gorbunov

Istalgia (2013), Haytarma (2013), Mobius (2013), Trumpeter (2014), Thinkers (2017), Rule of Combat (2017).

Andrey Saminin

Business as Usual (2013), Credence (2014), Khaitharma (2013), Single under Contract (2014) and Bug (2015).

Sergey Romanyuk

Pawnshop (2013), Kiev Cake (2014), Synevyr (2014), Lost City (2015) and Rule of Combat (2017).

Nikolay Boklan

The One Who Passed Through the Fire (2013), Shadows of Unforgotten Ancestors (2013), Never Evil (2015), Bug (2015) and Dove’s Nest (2016).

Stanislav Boklan

Guide (2014), Nezlamna (2015), Servant of the People 2 (2016), Rule of Combat (2017) and Mezha (2017).

Rimma Zyubina

The Trumpeter (2014), The Dove’s Nest (2016), The Old Miller’s Tale (2017), Mezha (2017), DZIDZIO “Double Bass” (2017).

Irma Vitovskaya

Babai (2014), Trumpeter (2014), Brama (2017) and The Old Miller’s Tale (2017).

Dmitry Stupka

Shadows of Unforgotten Ancestors (2013), Kiev Cake (2014), #SELFIEPARTY (2016) and Rule of Combat (2017).

Vladimir Goryansky

Magic stories: Elixir of Kindness (2013), Trumpeter (2014), Captivity (2015), Servant of the People 2 (2016) and The Old Miller’s Tale (2017).

Bogdan Yusipchuk

Shadows of Unforgotten Ancestors (2013), Synevyr (2014), Flight of the Golden Fly (2015) and Chungul (2016).

Dmitry Linartovich

The One Who Walked Through the Fire (2013), The Lost City (2015), Hetman (2015) and Autumn Memories (2016).

Olga Sumskaya

Ivan Strength (2013), Shadows of Unforgotten Ancestors (2013), Kiev Cake (2014) and Now I Will Love You (2015).

Roman Lutsky

Brothers. The Last Confession (2014), Parajanov (2014), Now I Will Love You (2015) and The Stronghold (2017).

Pavel Li

Shadows of Unforgotten Ancestors (2013), Business as Usual (2013), #SELFIEPARTY (2016) and Rule of Combat (2017).

Vladimir Zelensky

Love in the City 3 (2013), 8 New Dates (2015), 8 Best Dates (2016) and Servant of the People 2 (2016).

Ostap Mortar

Babay (2014), Captivity (2015), The Devil’s Harvest (2017), Easy (2017) and The Old Miller’s Tale (2017).

Vasily Virastyuk

Ivan Sila (2013), Single under contract (2014), Mikita Kozhemyaka (2016) and Polina (2017).

Note that this list includes only two actresses (Olga Sumskaya, Rimma Zyubina and Irma Vitovskaya). Also, two participants on this list do not have an academic acting education (Vasily Virastyuk and Vladimir Zelensky).

Only two actors from this list starred in films that were created without the participation of Ukraine and Russia, and at the same time were released domestically – “Mobius” with Alexei Gorbunov and “The Devil’s Harvest” with Ostap Stupka.

The only actor on the list who has four main roles is Vladimir Zelensky.

The first three lines in the list are occupied by actors who did not play the main roles in these films.

Previously, we published a list of the most popular film actors in Ukraine. It includes those who most often appeared in the leading role and also performed supporting roles in theatrical premieres over the past five years (from 2013 to 2017 inclusive).

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