Killer rulers: putin, Hitler and others

History has many cruel rulers who killed millions of people. These scum took pleasure in destroying entire cities, burning people, starving them, depriving them of their elementary, published over entire nations.

The rulers listed below are fiends who do not have the slightest right to forgiveness or justification. These are bloodsuckers, whose names are pronounced as an insult and the last curse. Unfortunately, such freaks continue to make their way into power today. Grasping the president’s chair, they immediately begin to destroy. A similar creature is now sitting in the chair of the President of the Russian Federation. With the infamous tyrant Putin, we will begin this list of the most terrible rulers.

vladimir putin

(1952 – hopefully as soon as possible)

The President of the Russian Federation, a bloodthirsty schizophrenic who is afraid of losing power.

владимир путин

The country that was unlucky: Russia and neighboring countries

How many he killed: More than 20 thousand Ukrainians killed on the orders of Putin during his criminal military operations in Ukraine from the beginning of 2014 to February 24, 2022. In addition, dozens of residents of other countries were killed by Putin’s terrorists in the course of criminal military operations unleashed by Russia in Georgia, Chechnya, Syria and other countries. At the same time, the cowardly Putin’s government hides the number of Russians themselves who died in these wars. But according to verified data, the number of dead Russians is much higher.

In Ukraine alone, from February 2022 to August 2023, the Russian terrorist army lost more than 250,000 soldiers.


Adolf Gitler


Fuhrer of Germany, leader of the NSDAP, Reich Chancellor.

Адольф Гитлер

The country that was unlucky: the whole world.

How many he killed: 80–85 million victims of political repression, the Holocaust, and World War II.


Benito Mussolini


Duce, racist-romantic, leader of the National Fascist Party of Italy.

Бенито Муссолини

Unlucky country: Italy.

How many he killed: about 500 thousand people, mainly due to military casualties. Mussolini preferred not so much to execute political opponents as to put them in camps for a long time.


Pol Pot


His real name is Saloth Sar. Also known as “Brother Number One”. The humble teacher of the little but vicious Khmer Rouge.

Пол Пот

Unlucky country: Cambodia.

How many he killed: from 1 to 3 million (every eighth inhabitant of the country).


Joseph Stalin


Great helmsman and father of nations. Mustachioed and tubular instigator of the world revolution.

Иосиф Сталин

The country that was unlucky: the USSR and the whole world

How many he killed: according to various estimates, from 5 to 50 million people. The second figure takes into account not only the victims of the Gulag, but also those who died in the Holodomor, as well as military losses. In any case, over a hundred years, Russia has not actually increased its population, while in the vast majority of other countries the population has increased by 3-4 times.


Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin


Founder of Leninism, builder of communism and socialism, main organizer of the October Revolution.


The country that was unlucky: almost the entire planet.

How many he killed: if we take all the people on Earth who died as a result of Lenin’s activities in general, then the account goes to hundreds of millions: Lenin’s ideas in some places still continue to exterminate humanity. Under his direct rule in Russia, at least 100 thousand people were executed and extrajudicially killed.


Kim Il Sung


Eternal posthumous president, creator of the Juche ideology, deity of an atheistic country.

Ким Ир Сен

Unlucky country: North Korea.

How many he killed: taking into account the victims of the famine of the 90s, at least 4.5 million people. Some experts believe that in reality the figure is at least twice as much.


Saddam Hussein


The head of the Baath party, the president, a sadistic socialist.

Саддам Хусейн

Unlucky country: Iraq.

How many he killed: at least 1 million, not counting military casualties.


Augusto Pinochet


Head of the Chilean junta.

Аугусто Пиночет

Unlucky country: Chile.

How many he killed: 50 thousand (0.5% of the country’s population).


Idi Amin

(30s of XX century – 2003)

His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Al-Haji Dr. Idi Amin, Lord of all animals on earth and fish in the sea, Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in general and in Uganda in particular. This is all – the official title, if that.

Иди Амин

Unlucky country: Uganda.

How many he killed: from 300 thousand to 500 thousand people (every twentieth inhabitant of the country).


Mao Zedong


Founder of the doctrine of “Maoism”, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Мао Цзэдун

Unlucky country: China.

How many he killed: from 20 to 50 million people (including victims of famine and military adventures).