Hachiko: watch online

A puppy sent from Japan gets lost at an American train station. However, the kid is lucky and ends up with a professor named Parker Wilson. The man first expects that they will come for the puppy, but when it becomes clear that this will not happen, he decides to keep it. Hachiko becomes a faithful companion for the middle-aged professor, and a strong friendship arises between them. The dog acquires the habit of accompanying its person to the station in the morning when he leaves for work, and, accordingly, meeting him in the evening. It seems that this will continue for a very long time, but the idyll is interrupted by the death of Parker – the man dies of a heart attack right during the lecture. But Hachiko does not know what happened to the owner – he continues to come every day and wait for his train to arrive.

The dog never misses a day. He is not alone – Professor Wilson’s relatives are ready to look after the charming dog. But Hachiko doesn’t need new friends; he continues to come to the station, hoping to wait for Parker. The devoted dog is fed by station workers and traders who see the dog every day and cannot remain indifferent to his sad fate.

Of course, the unusual dog could not go unnoticed – newspapermen publish a story about Hachiko, so more and more people learn about him. But the dog himself doesn’t care about fame – he just continues to come to the station every day. He meets every arriving train and looks out for his professor, thinking that he is about to get out of the carriage. Of course, Parker will never come again, but Hachiko continues to wait. A devoted dog goes to the station until he is old and dies on the platform. Thus ends the wonderful story of a touching friendship between a man and a dog. Hachiko became for the whole world an example of fidelity, the end of which could only be ended by death.

The story of the dog has a real basis, only it happened in Japan, where the dog and its owner adored each other lived, and the name of the pet was left unchanged. In the real story, Professor Hizaburo died when Hachiko was one and a half years old – and for almost ten years the dog continued to come to Shibuya station every day. Local children and merchants tried to drive the dog away, offended him in every possible way, but nothing could make Hachiko leave. It was thanks to this dog that the attitude towards stray animals in Japan subsequently changed greatly – for the better.


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