10 most beautiful temples in Ukraine

Ukraine is known for its rich heritage of architecture and history, including many beautiful temples and churches. In this article, we will talk about 10 Ukrainian temples that amaze with their beauty and grandeur.

Church of the Exaltation and St. Joseph, Podgortsy, Lviv region

This small Italian baroque church is located next to the Podgoretsky castle. The building, built in 1752-1766, is decorated with 14 columns and sculptures of saints. Despite its deplorable state, the temple leaves an unforgettable impression.

Костел Воздвиження та Святого Йосипа, Підгірці

Church of the Holy Eucharist, Lviv

This temple, also known as the Dominican Cathedral, is one of the most significant Baroque monuments in Lviv. The building served as a palace, a museum of atheism and a warehouse before becoming a place of worship for the UGCC. The temple is also the home of the Lviv Museum of the History of Religion.

Храм Пресвятої Євхаристії

Armenian Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Lviv

The Armenian Cathedral, built in 1363, is one of the oldest temples in Lviv. It adorns the historical part of the city, which was once the home of the Armenian community. The cathedral was completed and reconstructed many times and acquired baroque features during a large-scale reconstruction in 1723. Inside the temple you can see beautiful stained glass windows and frescoes.

Church of St. Nicholas, Sredne Vodiane

In the village of Sredne Vodyanoe in Transcarpathia, there are two Nikolaev churches – the upper and lower. The Upper Nicholas Church, built in 1428, is the oldest wooden structure in continental Europe. The lower church dates from 1699. Both churches are admired for their architectural style and uniqueness.

Церква Святого Миколая, Середнє Водяне

Collegiate Church of the Holy Trinity, Olyk, Volyn region

This Roman Catholic parish church was built in the 17th century near the Radziwill estate in the Volyn region. The baroque building is decorated with an inscription in Latin, sculptures of saints and a bas-relief on the theme “Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary”. Inside the church you can see beautiful stucco and wood carvings.

Колегіальний костел Святої Трійці, Олик, Волинська область

Cathedral of the Annunciation, Kharkiv

The Annunciation Cathedral, built in the 19th century, is the only Orthodox church in the world built in the Byzantine style. It impresses with its architectural details and beautiful murals inside.

Благовіщенський собор, Харків

Pyatnitskaya Church, Chernihiv

Pyatnitskaya Church, built in the late XII – early XIII centuries, is one of the few buildings that have survived from the time of Kievan Rus. This small fortress with high walls and elongated slit windows is admired for its medieval architectural style and soulful atmosphere inside.

П'ятницька церква, Чернігів

Andrew’s Church, Kyiv

St. Andrew’s Church of the 18th century is an example of imperial baroque and is located on an artificial hill in Kyiv. This temple attracts attention with its colossal cast-iron staircase and fine decorative elements.

Андріївська церква

Karaite kenassa, Kyiv

The Karaite kenassa in Kyiv is a place where the Karaites who professed Karaism once gathered. The Moorish-Arabic style building surprises with its luxury and beauty inside and out.

Караїмська кенаса

Nicholas Church, Kyiv

This Roman Catholic church, built at the beginning of the 20th century, is an example of Kyiv Neo-Gothic. The church attracts attention with its carvings and sculptures made by the Italian master Elio Sala.

Миколаївський костел

Of course, all these temples and churches cannot be fully described in words – their beauty must be seen with your own eyes.