I You He She: watch online

Watch Zelensky’s funny comedy about the relationship of a married couple from the Kvartal 95 studio “I, You, He, She.”

What is the movie I You He She about

The plot of the comedy revolves around the married couple Maxim and Yana Tkachenko. After 10 years of marriage they decide to divorce.


But then fate, in the person of a strange and persistent judge, gives them one last chance to save their relationship. Whether the couple will use it or let everything take its course – the filmmakers do not specify.

Full film:

As in the rest of the Kvartal comedies, viewers here will find many twisting plot twists, romantic scenes and witty dialogues.

Leading actors

The main male roles are played by Vladimir Zelensky and Evgeny Koshevoy. And the main characters were played by debutantes – the lead singer of the group “Time and Glass” Nadya Dorofeeva and the ex-host of the project “Heads and Tails” Nastya Korotkaya.

In addition, such theater, film and show business stars as Stas Boklan, Olga Sumskaya, Tamara Yatsenko, Yuri Tkach, Sergei Babkin and others will appear in the film.

Director of the film I You He She

This is the first film in which the leader of the Kvartal 95 studio, Vladimir Zelensky, acts as a production director. The project is also being carried out by American David Dodson, who works in Hollywood.

“I have long wanted to try myself as a director. And David and I worked on the film “Eight First Dates,” we’ve known each other for about ten years, so I trust him very much. In our new comedy, he will be responsible for the visual content, but I am more responsible for the acting component,” says Zelensky.

Making the film I You He She

“I, You, He, She” is the tenth full-length film from Kvartal 95. And the first film produced by the studio, which is being filmed with the support of the State Cinema Committee of Ukraine.

“I am grateful to Goskino for supporting our project. We would have made this film anyway, but with their help we will be able to make a better movie. Our main goal is for Ukrainian films to look no worse than Hollywood ones. And I hope the new film will demonstrate this,” says Vladimir Zelensky.

All the studio’s films became commercially successful and fully paid for themselves at the box office. This is a great rarity for Ukrainian cinema.

Their only film that did not return the money was “Rzhevsky vs. Napoleon.” But this happened because the film was shot using expensive 3D technology.


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