Wolfs: watch or not

One of the most anticipated premieres of this year is the crime thriller “Lone Wolves”. The film tells the story of two professional cleaners whose task is to clean up the scenes of murders and showdowns. Each of these cleaners was sure that he was unique in his own way and that no one else was doing this kind of work except him.

But one incident, to which in some strange way both of them were called at the same time, changes everything. After this, the cleaners have to find a common language and complete the task together.

The main roles in the film were played by Hollywood legends George Clooney and Brad Pitt. Despite their 60 years of age, the actors easily coped with many stunt tricks in the film. Previously, the actors had already worked together in a series of crime films about Ocean’s Friends. They also appeared together in the film Burn After Reading, where Clooney played a fired CIA agent, and Pitt played his dim-witted trainer. In real life, actors are good friends.

Pitt in the film “Lone Wolves” continues a number of his films of recent years, in which he plays the roles of dexterous and inventive action heroes. This is exactly how we saw him in the film about the massacre on the train “Faster than a Bullet” and about the adventures in the jungle “The Lost City”.

But for Clooney, such a dynamic film will be an exception to the rules of his career in recent years. After all, he hasn’t taken on action roles for a long time.

These two outstanding actors will be accompanied on the set by the young talent Austin Abrams, whom we have already met in the series “The Walking Dead” and “Euphoria”.

The director of the film “Lone Wolves” Jon Watts became famous after three parts of “Spider-Man”. Together with Clooney and Pitt, Watts also produced this film.

This film has every chance to be included in the list of the best comedies of 2024.


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