Emma Stone: sexy photos

Emma Stone is not only a talented actress, who has won two Oscars and a Golden Globe, but also a style icon who always looks elegant and attractive. Her charming smile, sophisticated facial features and unique sense of fashion make her every appearance on the red carpet and every photo shoot a real event. In this article, we have collected the most attractive pictures of Emma Stone, which demonstrate her impeccable style, natural beauty and unique charm. Let’s dive into the world of this incredible actress and enjoy her amazing images.

Read on to see Emma Stone’s sexiest photos and find out the secret to her unmatched charm.


Emma Stone, whose full name is Emily Jean Stone, was born on November 6, 1988 in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. From a young age, Emma showed an interest in acting. She took part in local theater productions as a child, and at age 15 she moved with her mother to Los Angeles to begin a career in film and television.

Stone landed her first television role in Malcolm in the Middle (2004), followed by roles in other television projects. Her first major film breakthrough came in 2007 with the film Superbad, where she played the role of Jules. For this role she received positive reviews from critics and audiences, which launched her successful career in Hollywood.

Best Movies

Emma Stone is known for her diverse roles in various film genres. Here are some of her best and most memorable films:

  1. “La La Land” (2016): The musical in which Emma played the role of aspiring actress Mia. For this role she received many awards, including an Oscar for Best Actress.
  2. “Easy Student” (2010): A comedy where Emma played the main role of Olive, a schoolgirl whose life changes after rumors spread about her personal life.
  3. The Help (2011): Drama film in which she played the role of Skeeter Phelan, a young journalist writing a book about the lives of African-American maids in the American South in the 1960s.
  4. “Birdman” (2014): Comedy drama, where Emma played the role of Sam, the daughter of the main character. The film won the Oscar for Best Picture.
  5. Battle of the Sexes (2017): Biographical sports drama in which Emma played tennis player Billie Jean King against Bobby Riggs.


Emma Stone has a slender figure and sophisticated style. Here are the main parameters of her figure:

  • Height: 168 cm
  • Weight: about 52 kg
  • Hair Color: Emma is known for her red hair, although she can be a brunette or blonde in different films.
  • Eye color: green

Emma Stone is one of the most talented and sought-after actresses of her generation. Her ability to inhabit a role and convey emotion makes her unique and unforgettable on screen.