London is a majestic city with a rich history. It is noisy and crowded, beautiful and unique. We have selected films that will be able to set up the foggy capital and its inhabitants as accurately as possible.
Notting Hill (1999)
In the London district of Notting Hill, William Tucker works as a salesman in a small bookstore. He is a good and nice man. But he is not lucky in his personal life.
One day, the world-famous movie star Anna Scott accidentally falls into a bookstore. An unexpected acquaintance quickly develops into mutual sympathy. The only thing that can prevent a couple from being happy is that the whole world is watching their relationship.
Match Point (2005)
Chris Wilton understands that he will not become a successful professional tennis player. Therefore, he gets a job as a coach in an exclusive English sports club. There he meets the fateful beauty Nola, whose love eventually turns into obsession.
Woody Allen’s film was nominated for an Oscar in 2006 in the category of best original screenplay, but lost to the film “Collision”.
The King Speech! (2010)
The film tells about the kind of king George VI was – the father of Elizabeth II. The authors of the film managed to reveal to the viewer a new king: an insecure stutterer. He constantly doubts both himself and his mission – to rule the entire country.
Together with his wife, he tries to cure his illness, but these attempts are unsuccessful. But one day they find a good-natured Dr. Logue. The husband decided that whatever it might cost him, he would make the king believe in himself.
The Hollywood Foreign Press Association nominated the film for the Golden Globe Award in seven nominations. At the Oscars, the film was nominated in 12 categories and won in four of them, including Best Film and Best Actor.
Real actually (2003)
The plot of the film consists of nine parallel stories. However, each takes place shortly before Christmas, and Christmas Eve is the culmination of all the plots. At this time, all the characters intertwine in a bizarre way.
The characters of the stories are completely different people: the prime minister of Great Britain, a writer, a married woman who feels that a man has cooled to her, a teenager in love with the “queen” of the school. All these people are united by only one thing – love.
Sherlock Holmes (2009, 2011)
The events of the film take place in 1891. Sherlock Holmes and his friend Dr. Watson engage in a duel with one of the most cruel and cunning criminals in London – Lord Blackwood. He is trying to destroy the Parliament and seize power in the country.
In 2011, the sequel to the film “Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows” was released.
Paddington (2014, 2017)
Somewhere in sleepy Peru live unusual bears. They can talk, cook orange marmalade and, if necessary, would be able to present themselves in society. An English traveler taught them this.
After 40 years, the nephew of one of these bears leaves for England. He is important and neat. But the city was not as hospitable as expected. The Brown family comes to his aid. They happily accept a mouse into their family. And they even call the station where the ego was found – Paddington.
He lives comfortably in the Brown family, and everyone around him loved the unusual pet. Aunt Lucy’s birthday will be very soon, she will celebrate her 100th birthday. Therefore, a caring nephew will have to try hard to find a really good gift.
28 Days Later (2002)
The action of the British zombie-horror begins in a classified laboratory, where “green” radicals break in. The young people intend to free the unfortunate test monkeys. But primates are infected with an unknown virus that causes brutal aggression.
A deadly virus instantly spreads throughout England, turning all living creatures into terrifyingly aggressive and bloodthirsty monsters.
RocknRolla (2008)
The picture will help you go to the world of London today. There, the scum dictate their rules to those who are weaker than them. And everything is available to the mafia clans, because they are the main businessmen.
And yet, anyone who gets to London to check their dirty deeds will have to deal with him – with Lenny Cole.
Flood (2007)
A strong storm is coming from the sea. The result is a 15-meter wave. It is headed for the east coast of Great Britain, in the basin of the Thames River. Despite the struggle for power, the last wave cannot be stopped: it breaks through dams, barriers, sweeps away skyscrapers.
Local engineers have a few hours to protect the city and its inhabitants. But the sudden appearance of this disaster caught the city authorities and residents of London by surprise, who did not have time to evacuate – a powerful wave carried a million lives into the cold Atlantic Ocean, destroyed all the cities of the east coast of England, including the capital.
End of the affair (1999)
Maurice and Sara are literally made for each other and nothing can separate them. But as often happens in a moment, an episode can turn everything upside down.
But later somewhat desperately painful years spent in thought, Maurice still decides to find out why his story with Sarah ended so suddenly, why she left.
However, the search for the reasons for the end of their love revealed that in fact it was only the beginning.