Comedy “Bitter!”: watch online

The Russian comedy with the dashing slogan “The main thing is not to get drunk” tells about lovers Roma and Natasha, who decided to legalize their relationship. Many people dream of a luxurious wedding that will be remembered for a lifetime, which cannot be said about these young people. They want to organize a small celebration on the seashore without a feast and endless “Bitter!”

However, their parents have their own opinion on this matter. The bride’s stepfather, a high-ranking official, begins preparing the wedding according to old customs: with a restaurant, toastmaster and fun competitions. They invite the famous humorist Sergei Svetlakov to play the role of toastmaster. However, even his appearance cannot change the desire of the young couple to modestly celebrate their marriage. Then they decide to have two weddings, for themselves and for their parents. But circumstances are such that two celebrations must take place simultaneously…

Critics noted that in the film “Bitter!” There is a place for both comedy and acute social remarks on modern Russian society. The film received high marks from many viewers.


Year: 2013

Director: Zhora Kryzhovnikov

Genre: Comedy, Adventure, Russian


Sergey Svetlakov
Yulia Alexandrova
Egor Koreshkov
Jan Tsapnik
Elena Valyushkina
Vasily Kortukov
Yulia Stadnik
Danila Yakushev
Alexander Pal
Valentina Mazunina


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