You will find useful tips on how to make a wonderful wrapper for your gifts yourself.
Effective packaging will decorate even the simplest gift. It can ignite the recipient’s imagination and give a lot of vivid emotions even before he knows what lies underneath it.
The first thing you should decide on when starting to wrap gifts is the materials you will use. In addition to traditional paper with ribbons, you may need paints, fabrics with different textures, miniature wooden or plush toys, threads, Christmas tree branches, buttons, pine cones, dried leaves and other pleasant details that harmoniously complement the style of the gift.
Secondly, it is worth choosing a wrapper that matches the person to whom the gift is intended. For example, a pink Whatman paper with hearts or Mickey Mouse is unlikely to be appropriate for a business present to your superiors.
Thirdly, you need to choose the shape of the wrapper according to the gift. For example, clothes can be placed in a soft bag, a small piece of jewelry can be stuffed inside a balloon, and candy will look great in a pyramid.
To choose the most suitable format for you, watch this video with creative options for original wrapping that you can create right at home. In this video you will get ideas for gifts for anyone and for any holiday.