The evolution of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, the main Hollywood duck of our time, can currently be seen in Malibu Rescue. The Burger Fiction resource published an 11-minute video in which it showed fragments from all the screen roles of the actor, who began his journey in show business by performing as a wrestler.

His first serious role was “The Mummy Returns” (2001), in which he played the antagonist. In the early years, he appeared as a typical actor in action and action movies. The image of a strict cop stuck to him. However, gradually Duane’s screen image began to change and be supplemented with new types. Recently, he began to appear more often in comedic roles.

At the same time, the Fandor resource posted a four-minute video in which a tour of Dwayne’s roles is conducted with brief comments. In the clip, among other things, it is noted that he participated in several of the most spectacular fight scenes in Hollywood cinema in recent years.


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