What awaits us in 2025: the year of the Green Wooden Snake according to the Chinese calendar

According to the Chinese calendar, 2025 will be held under the auspices of the Green Wooden Snake. It will begin on January 29, 2025 and end on February 16, 2026. The totem of the year is the Snake, the sixth sign in the Chinese Zodiac. The last time it ruled was in 2013, and its next turn will come in 2037.

What will this mysterious year bring us?

The Snake is a symbol of wisdom and insight

The Snake is rightfully considered one of the most mysterious and wise signs of the Chinese calendar. It has a subtle intuition and outstanding intellectual abilities. Snakes are not afraid to make decisions on their own, ignoring imposed authorities. They skillfully conduct a dialogue, know how to listen and speak to the point, leaving a pleasant impression. Tree as the element of the year: time of growth and renewal

The element of 2025 is a young green Tree, symbolizing the beginning of a new stage and the desire for development. This time is ideal for fresh ideas, creative projects and the successful completion of long-postponed tasks. The spring mood of the year promotes energy, productivity and positive changes.

Success for loners: one in the field is a warrior

The Snake does not like to work in a team, preferring independence. The year will be favorable for those who are able to take responsibility and achieve success alone. However, it is important not to overload yourself: time-outs and rest will help to avoid burnout.

Career and job change

2025 will be a good time for changes in the professional sphere. This is the year to find a job that will bring not only income, but also satisfaction. Those who show resourcefulness, demonstrate creativity and grow professionally will be especially successful. Technological progress: new technologies and artificial intelligence

The Snake loves knowledge, so in 2025, technological development will continue. This will especially affect the fields of artificial intelligence, transport and medicine. Steps will also be taken to solve global problems such as climate change and the development of renewable energy sources.

Social and political stability

The Snake is not prone to sudden changes, so serious upheavals in geopolitics should not be expected. There is a possibility that the peace agreements concluded in 2024 will be preserved, which will bring peace to the new year.

Friendship and love

Snakes are selective in relationships, preferring to surround themselves with worthy people. Trust in others will have to be earned, but they do not forgive betrayal. The most successful compatibility in love and friendship is with the Dragon and the Rooster, but with the Tiger and the Goat, difficulties may arise.

The importance of rest

To cope with the difficulties of the year, it is important to devote time to proper rest. Weekends, vacations, and breaks from work will help you stay healthy and recharge your batteries for new achievements.

Famous People Born Under the Sign of the Snake

Famous Snakes are a symbol of wisdom and talent. Among them are Goethe, Stephen Hawking, Alfred Nobel, Pablo Picasso, Audrey Hepburn, Bruce Lee, and Brad Pitt.

2025, the year of the Green Wooden Snake, will bring opportunities for growth, success, and change. The main thing is to act thoughtfully, maintain a balance between work and rest, and value sincere relationships.


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