On December 30, we not only prepare for the new year, but also continue to celebrate some holidays according to the church calendar. This time, due to the transition to the New Julian calendar, most Orthodox holidays and memorable dates are celebrated on other days, so the question of which holiday is December 30th in the new style arises quite often.
December 30 according to the new Orthodox calendar: what holiday
On December 30, according to the new church calendar, the day of remembrance of the martyr Anisia of Thessaloniki is celebrated. Her family dates back to the end of the 3rd century, when she was born in the city of Thessaloniki (Greece) into a wealthy family. Thanks to her parents’ wealth, she received a good education. The parents were Christians and instilled in their daughter the love of God. However, Anisia lost her parents at an early age. During this difficult time, she realized her desire to be closer to the Lord by selling all of her family’s inheritance and giving up worldly pleasures.
Martyr Anisia devoted all her time to prayer and strict fasting. She cared for the sick, the needy and the poor, becoming a protector of orphans and beggars. At that time, the ruler was Maximian Herculius, who led the persecution of Christians. Christians were killed and persecuted with impunity. Therefore, Anisia paid special attention to the victims of these torments, even taking the risk of visiting them in prison, despite the danger.
Anisia was killed by a pagan warrior when she was heading to a prayer temple. The warrior wanted to force her to take part in the pagan festival, but she resisted. As a result, the warrior pulled out his sword and hit her. The martyr was buried at the city gates. When the persecution of Christians in the city stopped, a temple was built in her honor.
December 30: holidays in Ukraine and the world
December 30 is Global Planning Day, dedicated to summing up the results of the previous year and setting goals for the coming one. This day encourages people to carefully reflect on their ambitions and develop concrete steps to achieve them.
Folk signs on December 30
There are folk signs related to December 30:
• If the trees are covered with frost, then frost is not expected in the near future.
• The presence of a snowstorm on this day is a harbinger of a good harvest of bee honey in the summer.
• If the south wind blows, the year will be abundant in harvests.
Birthday people on December 30: who celebrates Angel Day
Each of the listed names has its own history and traditional meaning:
1. Makar: This name is of Greek origin and means “blessed” or “happy.” In the Russian Orthodox tradition, Makar is a holy name.
2. Anton: The name Anton has Latin roots and is translated as “valuable”, “connoisseur”. It is a common name in various cultures.
3. Leo: This name comes from the ancient Greek word “leon” and translates as “lion”. The lion is a symbol of strength and courage and is often used in various cultures.
4. Fedosia: This name is of Greek origin and means “gift of God.” It is not very common, but it has its own uniqueness.
5. Yarina: The name Yarina may be related to the Old Russian word “yar”, which means “spring”. This name is found in Slavic traditions.
6. Onesia: This name is of Greek origin and means “useful” or “beneficial.” Onisia is the feminine form of the name Onesimus.
7. Irina: This name is also of Greek origin and is translated as “peace.” Irina is a common female name that symbolizes peace and harmony.
These names can be associated with Christian saints, have roots in different cultures, and convey a variety of symbolic meanings.
December 30: what zodiac sign
On December 30, a person may have the zodiac sign Capricorn. If we consider the sign of Capricorn, it covers the dates from December 22 to January 19. Therefore, December 30 falls in the Capricorn period, which is ruled by the planet Saturn.
Features of the Capricorn sign:
1. Element: Earth.
2. Quality: Cardinal.
3. Ruler planet: Saturn.
4. Color: Black, gray, brown.
5. Lucky stone: Garnet.
6. Predominant trait: Responsibility.
People born under the sign of Capricorn often exhibit the following character traits:
• Responsibility: They usually take their responsibilities very seriously and strive to achieve their goals.
• Determination: Capricorns have a strong will and are ready to work to achieve success in their lives.
• Patience: They can be patient and persistent in long-term efforts.
• Conservatism: Capricorns can be conservative in their views and prefer stability.
It is also worth noting that the influence of other aspects of the horoscope, such as the rising sign and the position of the planets, also have a significant impact on a person’s character.