In 2023, Ukraine switched to the New Julian calendar. Now most church holidays will be celebrated on different dates. In this material we will tell you what Orthodox holiday is celebrated on December 29 according to the new Orthodox calendar, and also remind you what holidays are celebrated in Ukraine and the world.
December 29: what holiday according to the church calendar
On December 29, the Church honors the memory of the holy martyrs – 14,000 Bethlehem babies who died at the hands of King Herod.
According to legend, during the events preceding the Incarnation of the Son of God and His Birth from the Blessed Virgin Mary, the eastern sages noticed a new star in the heavens, foreshadowing the coming of the King of the Jews. Having named the star the way, they went to Jerusalem to worship the newborn, however, having received a revelation, they returned to their country, choosing a different route and avoiding meeting with Herod.
Herod, without waiting for the wise men to return, realized that his plan to discover the Child was unsuccessful. In a rage, he ordered the killing of all male infants under the age of two in Bethlehem and the surrounding areas, hoping that among them would be the one who was considered the Infant of God, being, in his opinion, a potential rival. Thus, the babies from Bethlehem became the first martyrs for Christ.
Herod’s anger did not stop only with children. Simeon the God-Receiver, who proclaimed the Messiah in the temple, also paid for his fidelity. After the death of Saint Simeon, Herod did not allow his body to be buried with dignity. In an ominous impulse, he also ordered the death of the holy prophet-priest Zechariah, who was put to death in the Jerusalem Temple because he refused to reveal the whereabouts of his son John, the future Baptist of Jesus Christ.
What a holiday is December 29 in Ukraine and the world
Let’s take a closer look at the holidays on December 29:
- Tick-Tock Day:
Tick Tock Day is a special day dedicated to efficient use of time. Celebrating this day encourages people to pay attention to their time and learn how to use it as productively as possible. The purpose of the holiday is to encourage efficiency and organization in everyday life.
On this day, many people analyze their time, set goals and plans for the future, determine priorities and learn to effectively allocate their resources. This may include organizing your work time, improving your personal time management skills, and increasing your overall productivity.
- International Day of Biological Diversity:
December 29 is also the International Day for Biological Diversity. This holiday is designed to draw attention to the importance of preserving and protecting biological diversity on the planet.
On this day, the emphasis is on the need for sustainable human interaction with nature, preserving the diversity of plant, animal and ecosystem species. Activities dedicated to this day may include educational events, environmental activities, tree planting, and awareness campaigns on the impact of human activities on the environment.
Both of these holidays remind us of the importance of using time efficiently and being responsible for the environment.
Folk signs on December 29
- As is the day, so will be April.
- If there is a snowstorm outside, then it will be warm on Christmastide.
- Frost on this day promises cold weather until Khreshchenniy.
- If the frost draws patterns on the glass, the cold will last for another 20 days.
- Cold and bad weather on this day foreshadow a harsh winter.
- Windy weather and snow adjacent to the fence are a bad omen. Summer will be barren.
Birthday people on December 29: male and female names
- Thomas: This name is of Greek origin and means “double” or “close.” People named Thomas usually have a strong character and internal stability.
- Vincent: The name has Latin roots and is translated as “winner.” Vincent is often associated with strength and confidence.
- Timothy: This is an ancient Greek name that can be translated as “God-honoring” or “pious.” People named Timofey often show kindness and religiosity.
- Stepan: The name is of Greek origin and means “crown” or “crowned.” It is associated with victory and is often perceived as a symbol of glory.
- Gregory: This name is of Greek origin and translates to “awake” or “vigilant.” People named Gregory are usually intelligent and considerate.
- Sergei: The name Sergei has Latin roots and is associated with “service” or “help.” People with this name are often characterized by loyalty and responsibility.
- Paul: This name is of Greek origin and means “small” or “little one.” However, people named Paul often stand out for their resilience and determination.
- Peter: The name Peter has Aramaic roots and is translated as “stone” or “rock.” This name is associated with reliability and durability.
- Nicholas: This name is of Greek origin and translates as “conqueror of the people.” People named Nikolai usually have leadership skills.
- Andrew: The name is of Greek origin and means “courageous” or “strong.” Andreys are usually characterized by fortitude and determination.
- Alexey: This name is of Greek origin and translates as “protector” or “supporter.” People named Alexey usually take care of loved ones and are ready to help.
- Vasily: The name Vasily means “king” or “royal”. This name is associated with greatness and nobility.
- Danilo: This name has Jewish roots and is translated as “God brings judgment.” People named Danilo often have analytical thinking and fairness.
- Ivan: The name Ivan is of Jewish origin and is translated as “God’s grace” or “God has had mercy.” Ivans usually display spiritual depth.
- Constantine: This name has Latin roots and translates as “constant” or “stable.” Constantines are characterized by stability and reliability.
- Fedor: The name Fedor is of Greek origin and means “gift of God.” People with this name are often considered to be a blessing.
- Anna: The name Anna is of Hebrew origin and is translated as “mercy” or “grace.” People named Anna are often associated with kindness and caring.
What is the zodiac sign on December 29, compatibility, characteristics of the sign
The zodiac sign for December 29 is Capricorn. Here are some characteristics and features of Capricorn:
Characteristics of Capricorn:
- Earth Sign: Capricorn belongs to the earth element, which makes him practical, realistic and goal-oriented.
- Ruling planet: Saturn. It gives Capricorn perseverance, patience and the desire to achieve high goals.
- Cardinal Sign: Capricorn is a cardinal sign of the zodiac, which speaks of its leadership qualities and ability to initiate action.
Features of Capricorn:
- Ambitiousness: Capricorn has strong ambition and strives for career success.
- Fortitude: He can overcome difficulties with outstanding fortitude, tenacity and self-discipline.
- Conservatism: Capricorn usually adheres to traditional values and approaches.
- Favorable combinations: Virgo and Taurus usually have good compatibility with Capricorn.
- Neutral combinations: Other Capricorns, Scorpios and Cancers can create stable relationships, but sometimes disagreements arise.
- Difficult combinations: Aries and Libra may face difficulties in their relationship with Capricorn due to differences in approach to life.
The characteristics of a zodiac sign provide a general overview, and individual characteristics can vary significantly depending on other factors in the horoscope, such as the rising sign, the position of the Moon, etc.