Perfect cunnilingus: secrets and tips

Cunnilingus is considered to be a complex sexual act that consumes a lot of energy and strength in men. The whole reason lies in the shape and features of the female genitalia. Let’s figure it out, one way or another, and also give useful tips that Ian Kerner threw in his book “The Cunnilingus Manifesto”, writing a whole guide on the topic of oral sex. He also gives a lot of interesting techniques, not to use which is a sin.

It is important to relax

Many women may feel uncomfortable during oral sex, and therefore, there can be no talk of any relaxation. And this automatically means that touching will not give her the necessary pleasure, and maybe even will not lead to relaxation.

Often the reason for the inability to relax are complexes and doubts about their own attractiveness. For example, they can be associated with body odor, taste, with the external beauty of the genitals. Others are concerned about the question of whether a man likes to do this. Still others feel embarrassed when they are the center of attention. Usually a woman is too critical of her own body, because she wants to be on top, but she doubts that she reaches the right level. When a man’s face is so close to her genitals, she feels a slight discomfort.

Of course, a man cannot change the situation dramatically, you need to help the sexy blonde gradually relax, feel more relaxed and confident. Kerner believes that the success of oral sex depends largely on perception.

There is such a misconception about cunnilingus that it is not as pleasant as the sexual act itself. But in fact it turns out the opposite, as evidenced by the women themselves.

It is important to make it clear to the girl that this is not at all a prelude to sex, but just the process itself and you like it. Then she will be drawn into the process and will be able to relax better.

Kerner’s book contains three postulates that a man needs to take into account in order to enjoy the process, and not be a mechanical performer:

During oral sex, a man should be guided by the sensations of a woman – since this is pleasure first of all for her, and she directs the whole process.

It is important to enjoy every moment and take your time. Time should just stop.

The smell and taste of a woman should become part of the pleasure, it is important to understand that they are part of nature.

Preparing for enjoyment

Even before oral sex, there should be foreplay. This will help the girl relax and trust, as well as turn on. And this is necessary from the point of view of physiology. The genitals are a sensitive part of the body, so they must be stimulated gently and gradually. Therefore, do not be too lazy to spend time hugging, kissing, caressing. When a woman is sufficiently excited, you can proceed to the next stage – directly to the genitals. But take your time! Start with light tongue movements.

Keep in mind that women take longer to reach orgasm – around 20 minutes – so be patient. A man here should also be comfortable, because not everyone can withstand such a “special position” for such a time. The body should be comfortable, it is better to stretch it. Lips and tongue should be located at an angle of not 90, but 45 degrees.

Basic technique

The process of oral sex should consist of gentle touches, rudeness is inappropriate here. It is important to caress a woman the way she likes, there should not be a single unpleasant movement.

Use your tongue to stimulate the area above the clitoris where the labia meet. You can help with your index finger. When the excitement grows, you can penetrate the tongue, and then with your fingers into the vagina, while it is better to press against the front wall, where the very “ji” point is located. At the same time, caress other erogenous zones with your hands – chest, stomach, etc. Here, each woman can have her own preferences – listen to her desires in order to deliver maximum pleasure. To bring her to the highest point, it is important to know what movements she likes.

Helping a woman to relax, turn on and go all the way to the female orgasm, you will give her unforgettable pleasure!


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