Klavdiya Drozd: sexy photos

Klavdiya Drozd is a talented Ukrainian actress who has been conquering the screens since childhood. She grew up in a family of famous artists and at the age of 10 took her first steps in the cinema. Her career is developing rapidly, and diverse roles confirm her bright talent. What else is interesting about the star of Ukrainian TV series – read in our article.

Childhood and family

Klavdiya Drozd was born on August 9, 1997 in Kyiv in the family of famous actors Anastasia Serdyuk (Bunina) and Georgy Drozd. Her acting roots go even deeper: her maternal grandparents, Les Serdyuk and Irina Bunina, were also famous artists.

Education and career

After graduating from high school in 2015, Klavdia entered the Ivan Karpenko-Kary Kyiv National University of Theater, Cinema and Television. She chose the specialty “actor of dramatic theater and cinema”, studying in the creative workshop of the People’s Artist of the Ukrainian SSR Mykola Rushkovsky.

First steps in cinema

Klavdia began acting in films as a child. Her debut was an episodic role in the thriller “Durdom” (2006). Until 2011, she played the roles of girls, and since 2016 she began acting in more serious projects. Her real star time came in 2017, when she played the main role in the 100-episode television movie “Paradise Place”.

An interesting fact is that Klavdia has repeatedly starred with her mother. They worked together in the films “Durdom” and “40+, or the Geometry of Feelings” (2016).

Main roles and recognition

Klavdia Drozd’s acting skills helped her gain popularity. In 2018, she played twin sisters in the melodrama “Two Poles of Love”, and in 2019 she received the main role in the series “Zoya”. In this project, she appeared in the image of a woman haunted by the past and forced to fight her inner demons.

In total, the actress starred in more than 20 projects, five of which were the main roles. Among her latest works are the series “Revenge” and “Recognize Me” (2024).

Selected works

  • 2024 – “Revenge”
  • 2024 – “Recognize Me”
  • 2023 – “Diet No. 0”
  • 2022 – “Adventure for Two”
  • 2020 – “Game of Fate”
  • 2019 – “Zoya”
  • 2018 – “Two Poles of Love
  • 2017 – “Foundlings-2”
  • 2016-2017 – “Paradise Place”
  • 2006 – “Madness”

Personal life

The actress admits that her heart is busy, but she is in no hurry to share details. It is known that her chosen one is a non-public person, far from the world of show business. “He doesn’t like it when I talk about him. When the time comes, we’ll talk about it,” Claudia said in an interview.

What’s next?

Claudia Drozd continues to delight viewers with new roles, demonstrating her multifaceted talent. Her works cover various genres – from melodrama to psychological thriller, which indicates her acting flexibility and professionalism. There are still many new projects ahead, and fans are eagerly awaiting her next roles.


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