How to keep your word: useful tips

Yes, yes, we know that almost all New Year’s resolutions remain words. This is also confirmed by scientists from the Statistical Brain Research Institute, according to whose estimates, only 8% of people manage to realize everything that they promised themselves under the chiming clock.

But on the other hand, experts note: the promise becomes 10 times more effective if it is given on January 1, and not on any other date.

Effective tips on how to make your New Year’s resolutions come true:

  • Do not give up. Psychologists have calculated that before reaching the goal, the path to it must be started an average of six times.
  • Track progress towards your goal. If you have advanced only half a step in six months, then this is also a result. Fix it and move on.
  • Break big goals down into smaller steps that are easier to achieve. For example, the desire to lose weight by 9 kg can be segmented into more achievable goals – to lose 1.5 kg per month.
  • Don’t promise yourself too much. Choose two or three goals that are really important to you and head towards them at full sail!
  • If you missed last year’s goal, then analyze what prevented you from making it a reality.
  • These insights will help you move forward more easily.
  • Visualize your goals. Search online for pictures of what you want, print the picture and hang it up at home or at work. This will constantly remind you of your cherished goal and you will automatically begin to take steps towards it.
  • Try to realize at least one of the promises already in the first month of the new year. This will give you confidence in yourself.
  • Do not dwell on failures and do not obey yourself for having stumbled on the way to the goal. Mistakes are an integral part of the path to success. So forgive yourself for defeat.

Take advantage of it!


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