Infographic: How much is an Oscar worth?

The Academy Awards were awarded for the first time on May 16, 1929. This event was attended by only 250 people and lasted only 15 minutes. Over the past decades, this award has become one of the main ones in the world of cinema, and the audience watching the presentation of gilded statuettes numbers in the millions.

The figurine got its name by accident. While discussing the award, one artist drew a sketch of it, and a man standing next to him said: “He looks like my Uncle Oscar.”

To date, the only Oscar winner with the same name is writer Oscar Hammerstein II. He has two of these statues.

The legendary red carpet, along which celebrities walk a few hours before the ceremony, reaches 150 meters in length and 10 meters in width. It weighs 5 tons and costs $30,000. It takes two days to unwrap it.

The most expensive dress that appeared on this red carpet in the entire history of the Oscars was Cate Blanchett’s dress. The cost of the outfit cost $18.1 million. The actress came to the Oscars in such a meadow in 2014, when she was nominated for her role in the film Jasmine.

Walt Disney received the most statues in his career. He has 26 Oscars. However, to collect them, the animator had to be nominated 56 times.

The infographic below will tell you what the cost of the figurine is, what materials it is made from, how its appearance has changed over the years, how much ash is actually used in making the Oscar, and how much these figurines were sold for at auctions.

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