On May 10, Mother’s Day, at 21:00, “1+1” viewers will see the Ukrainian family fantasy film “Foxter and Max” about the adventures of a boy and a superhero dog.
In the story, 12-year-old boy Max grows up shy and cannot always stand up for himself. One day he finds a can of spray paint on the street and draws graffiti of a dog, because he has long dreamed of a four-legged pet. But it turns out that it was nano-paint, a secret technology for creating superheroes. Suddenly the graffiti comes to life and turns into a superhero dog, whom the happy boy names Foxter. Now Max has a real friend with whom he always has fun. But the dog brought not only joy to the guy’s life, but also great danger – his newly made friends are wanted by a dangerous criminal who wants to take possession of nanotechnology and realize an insidious plan. Now Foxter and Max must protect themselves and save the world, and incredible adventures await them.
Filming in the science fiction film became the debut for the young Ternopil resident Bohdan Koziy, who played the main role of the boy Max. The image of a dangerous thief was embodied by Polish actor Tomasz Oswiecinski. The film also stars Daria Polunina, Vitalia Turchin, Maxim Samchik, Anastasia Mateshko and others. During filming, the filmmakers also used real robots.
The fantastic adventures of the film’s heroes were filmed in Kyiv. The director was Anatoly Mateshko. Canadian screenwriter Scott Parisien and Anastasia Mateshko worked on the script for the film Foxter and Max. Producers: Maxim Asadchiy and Ekaterina Kopylova. The film was produced by Pronto Film.